If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. Here is Alex’s speaker bio page if you are interested in learning more: I know that recommendations can be helpful when trying to create a short list of keynote speakers, so I thought I would drop you this message in case you’re looking.
See also: 11 Qualities of a good keynote speaker. Try Gevme for free The top 10 best speakers bio examples You need a personal formula to craft a beautiful speaker biography that draws crowds.

Deliver it to a small audience, get feedback and use it to a larger audience. The Keynote Speaker should be able to present the main message of the event in a memorable and fun way. bear with me be patient and pay attention to your Kuya Mayo. 6 minute read If you are wondering what a keynote speaker is, what they do and what they can add to a conference, youre in the right place. Prepare your keynote speech ahead of time. hope that you see me not so much as the speaker in your completion ceremonies, but as a friend who cares for you and a brother who loves you. People who deliver keynote speeches are typically experts in a given area who are invited to speak at a conference, convention, banquet, meeting, or other kind.

Also, 100% of his speaking fee goes to the charity, which might align with some of your organization’s corporate social responsibility goals. want to inspire you, motivate you and hopefully, make you laugh. The work of his charity ( is incredible and has given him a very unique perspective on leadership and accountability. Keynote speakers at these events have often gained nationwide fame (or notoriety) for example, Barack Obama at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and have occasionally influenced the course of the election. Alex is the Founder of because I said I would, a nonprofit dedicated to the betterment of humanity through promises made and kept. I saw Alex Sheen speak at INSERT NAME OF CONFERENCE and the audience loved him. I am writing because I have a keynote speaker that I think would be great for your upcoming conference. Email subject: Keynote speaker for NAME OF CONFERENCE